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Site Name Title Motto Owner
abfccm Ambassador Baptist fellowship Church Of Christ Ministries Preaching the word Of God to the People Of God Good Saamaritan Home
abhayakshethram ABHAYAKSHETHRAM rehabilitation for disabled and orphans thasleem s
abhi my home page creation abhishek agrawal
abhishek1312 Creation new1 abhishek agrawal
abhithjnv nilgiri good abhith kr
abhivyakti Uttarakhand : Land of God & Beauty Save Enviorment & Protect World suresh bhatt27
abhiyanfoundation Abhiyan Foundation Integrated Development for All pravesh kumar
abilitydesign ABILITY DESIGN Think Harder Work Harder Darlington Uzoigwe
abknamindia AKHIL BHARTIYA KASHYAP NISHAD AADIVANSHI MAHASANGH(Reg.No-4) Empowering and Educating Fisherman Community kashyap society
ablueheavenforhomelesswoman A woman is a treasure in society and deserves an opportunity to succeed. A homeless woman needs an opportunity to learn new skills and technology to find an opportunity in society and succeed as a woman, mother and member of the society. Martha Ayerdis
abnerlovesbea prince and princess LIFE is not SIMPLE. abner basilga
abrahamsinheritance Abraham's Inheritance Inc. Young Minority Men Afi Peterson
academiaparalapazyno-violencia Academia para la Paz & No-Violencia de América Latina y el Caribe Construyendo Puentes & Sembrando Semillas de Paz liza morales
academic-helper academic-helpers We help you in your acadamics Patrick Austin
academicrealities Academic Realities Helping students achieve their highest potential Eugene Henderson
acani ACANIANDAMANS comitted towards rural prosperity Ravi George
acc Apostolic Christian Church Healing to The Nation
access Making Information Affordable and Accessible Information needs for Bottom of Pyramid Ashutosh Singh
accessnorthernghana Volunteer in Northern Ghana Development through cultural exchange access ghana
accountingfornonprofits Accounting for Nonprofits Let's Help Nonprofit Organization